Thursday, August 25, 2016

Giuseppe Cesari (Cavaliere d'Arpino) 1568 - 1640

Giuseppe Cesari was the son of a painter, born in Arpino in the kingdom of Naples in 1568.
He went to Rome around 1582 and was apprenticed to Niccolò Circignani (il Pomarancio) where under his direction, he assisted in decorating the Vatican Loggia of Gregory XIII.
He gained his first independent commission when he was twenty years old for the frescoes in San Lorenzo in Damaso (now lost).
In 1595 he was commissioned to paint the ceiling fresco in the Palazzo dei Conservatori (Capitoline Museum) of the Battle of Tullius Hostilius Against the Veii (1595 - 1560).
From 1599 until 1601 he supervised the decoration of San Giovanni in Laterano, his fresco of the Ascension is at the main altar.
He became the favourite painter of Pope Clement VIII who gave him the title of Cavaliere di Cristo. 
Not long after the Borghese pope Paul V succeeded Pope Clement VIII in 1605, the new pope's nephew, Cardinal Scipione Borghese — who was an avid art collector  — had Cesari arrested in 1607 and charged with tax evasion. This enabled the cardinal to confiscate Cesari's large art collection of 105 paintings for his own gallery at the Villa Borghese.
From 1610 Giuseppe Cesari was in charge of the decorations for Pope Paul V's funerary chapel, the Pauline Chapel, in Santa Maria Maggiore, where he supervised Guido Reni and Ludovico Cigoli.

In 1613 he worked on the casino of Cardinal Peretti-Montalto's villa in Bagnaia (now the Villa Lante) supervising the fresco decorations by Agostino Tassi and Orazio Gentileschi.
For a short time Caravaggio was apprenticed to Giuseppe Cesari where he spent time painting fruit and flowers.
Giuseppe Cesari has left behind a huge body of work in churches all over Rome. He died in Rome in 1640 and was buried in San Giovanni in Laterano.

Coronation of the Virgin
Chiesa Nuova

Giuseppe Cesari Art in Rome
Capitoline Museum 
ceiling fresco Palazzo dei Conservatori
Battle Between Horatii and Curiatii
Finding of the She-wolf
Rape of the Sabine Women
Santa Maria della Vittoria
Trinità dei Monti
contributed to the fresco Canonisation of Saint Francis
Santa Maria in Via
Cappella Aldobrandini
San Luigi dei Francesi
vaults of the Contarelli Chapel
Santa Prassede
Cappella Olgiati
Santa Maria Maggiore
Cappella Paoline
Santa Cecilia in Trastevere
Santa Maria della Scala
San Carlo ai Catinari
The Mocking of Christ
Chiesa Nuova
Santissima a Trinità degli Pellegrini
Sant'Atanasio dei Greci
The Assumption of the Virgin
San Lorenzo in Damasco
Three Angels
Santa Maria in Traspontina
Saint Barbara
San Crisogono
San Giovanni in Laterno
San Silvestro al Quirinale
Santa Lucia in Selci
Santa Maria di Loreto
Birth of the Virgin
Death of the Virgin
Saint Peter's Basilica
Vatican Loggia
Galleria Borghese
Betrayal of Christ
Flight into Egypt
A Soldier
Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo
Portrait of Prospero Farinaccio
Palazzo Barberini Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica
Raising of Lazarus
Villa Lante Bagnaia

Santa Barbara
Santa Maria in Traspontina

Santa Cecilia in Trastevere

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Helpful Hints

Getting Around

I found walking Rome was the best way to see everything.

The metro, trams and buses are also an easy and cheap option.

Buses and the metro can get crowded. Tickets must be bought before boarding and validated.

Beware of pickpockets.

Buses 40 (express) and 64 start at Termini and end near Saint Peter's, traveling past places of interest, returning the same way.

Some stops along the 64 route are:


Piazza Venezia

Via Nazionale

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II

Bus 75 takes you past the Colosseum to Trastevere

Bus 910 takes you to Villa Borghese

Ticket Options

€1.50 B.I.T (Biglietto Integrato a Tempo) is the standard ticket valid for one metro, unlimited tram or bus rides within 100 minutes.

€7.00 B.I.G ( Biglietto Integrato a Giornaliero) is a daily ticket valid for unlimited metro, tram, bus and train travel within Rome.

Purchasing Bus and Metro tickets.

Newsstands, train stations, metro stations, kiosks with the ATAC logo and tabacchi shops sell tickets for the metro, trams and buses.

Large fines apply to travelers not holding or validating their ticket. Tickets once validated start from the time they have been stamped.

These are a few of my favourite books about Rome

The Cardinal's Hat by Mary Hollingsworth
This book tells the story of one of the sons of Lucrezia Borgia who became a cardinal during the 16th century.

The Tigress of Forli by Elizabeth Lev
I love this book telling the story of Caterina Sforza who was fighting against the Borgia pope to retain the rights of her land and her freedom.

The Popes by John Julius Norwich
A detailed but easy and enjoyable book to read about the history of the papacy and the popes.

The Pope's Daughter by Caroline P Murphy
This book describes in beautiful detail, the life and times of Pope Julius II daughter, Felice della Rovere.

The Families Who Made Rome by Anthony Majanlahti
I love this Book! It explains the families who made Rome what it is as we see it today and also looks at their triumphs, scandals and failures.

Rome by Robert Hughes
This book explains Rome from its beginning and expands on the Renaissance and Baroque until present times.

The Lost Painting by Jonathan Harr
Another of my favourite reads about a lost Caravaggio painting and the search for its provenance.

other sites I trust for information on Rome are:
Rome Art Lover
Churches of Rome wiki