Monday, March 17, 2014

San Giuseppe alla Lungara

where: Via della Lungara, 45, Trastevere
open: Monday to Saturday 16:30-19:00, Sunday 9:00-13:30

One my way to visit the Corsini Gallery I came across San Giuseppe alla Lungara. This little church was consecrated in the 18th century and dedicated to Saint Joseph.
The ceiling fresco is by Filippo Frigiotti and in the pendentives are frescoes of the Four Doctors of the Church by Vincenzo Paliotti from 1859.
Many of the paintings in the church are by Mariano Rossi including the high altarpiece the Dream of Saint Joseph, with the Adoration of the Magi and Slaughter of the Innocents on either side.
In the second chapel on the right is Niccola Ricciolini's Deposition from the Cross.

Niccola Ricciolini

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